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pear-Net_IDNA2 Punycode encoding and decoding
pear-Net_LDAP2 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
pear-Net_LDAP3 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
pear-Net_Sieve PHP classes that handles talking to timsieved
pear-Net_SMTP PHP classes to provide SMTP Interface
pear-Net_Socket PHP classes to provide Network Socket Interface
pear-Net_URL PHP classes to easy parsing of URLs
pear-Net_URL2 PHP class for parsing and handling URL
pear-SOAP SOAP Client/Server for PHP
pen Load balancer for simple tcp based protocols
perlbal Very configurable load balancer in perl
pfnet Minimal FNET-like ICB client written in Perl
php-baikal Lightweight CalDAV+CardDAV server
php-ftp PHP extension for FTP access
php-geoip PHP module to map IP address to geographic places
php-snmp PHP extension for SNMP
php-soap PHP extension for SOAP functions
php-sockets PHP extension for sockets support
php-xmlrpc PHP extension for XML-RPC support
php-yaz PHP extension for YAZ
pim6dd IPv6 PIM dense mode daemon
pim6sd IPv6 PIM sparse mode daemon
pload Network interface monitor for X11, monitoring totals and in/out rates
podcastdl Podcastdl is a CLI podcast client
poink Nosuid, absolutely secure version of ping utility
poptop PPTP server with support for Microsoft VPN clients
portmap RPC portmapper with access control
powerdns Modern, advanced and high performance nameserver
powerdns-geoip GeoIP backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-ldap LDAP backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-mysql MySQL backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-odbc ODBC backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-pgsql PostgreSQL backend module for PowerDNS
powerdns-recursor PowerDNS resolver/recursing nameserver
pppd PPP Daemon
pptp PPTP client package for Microsoft VPN servers
proftpd Highly configurable FTP server software
proftpd-geoip Geolocation module for proftpd
proftpd-ldap LDAP module for ProFTPD
proftpd-memcached Memcache module for ProFTPD
proftpd-mysql MySQL module for proftpd
proftpd-odbc ODBC module for ProFTPD
proftpd-postgresql PostgreSQL module for ProFTPD
proftpd-sqlite SQLite module for ProFTPD
proxycheck Tester for open (promiscuous) proxy systems
proxytunnel Connect stdin/stdout to a remote host through a standard HTTPS proxy
publicfile Secure read-only HTTP and FTP servers
publicfile-run Configures publicfile to serve public files
puf Parallel URL fetcher
pulledpork Script for Snort and Suricata rule management
pure-ftpd Secure FTP daemon with optional SQL support
pxe Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) daemon
py-adns Python interface to the GNU asynchronous DNS resolver library
py-altgraph (V) Graph (network) package for constructing graphs
py-amqp Low-level AMQP client for Python
py-apache-libcloud Python library for interacting with cloud service providers
py-awscli Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services
py-beanstalkc Simple beanstalkd client library for Python
py-bitmessage P2P communications protocol used to send encrypted messages
py-bonjour Python interface to interact with Bonjour
py-boto Python interface to Amazon web services
py-boto3 Amazon Web Services SDK for Python
py-botocore Low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services
py-buildbot (V) Continuous integration system
py-buildbot-console-view (V) Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-grid-view (V) Grid View Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-pkg (V) Packaging tools for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-waterfall-view (V) Waterfall Plugin for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-worker (V) Worker for the buildbot CI system
py-buildbot-www (V) Web frontend for the buildbot CI system
py-caldav CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python
py-cares Python interface for c-ares
py-celery Asynchronous task/job queue based on distributed message passing
py-cfscrape (V) Python module for dealing with Cloudfare protection
py-cookies (V) RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
py-cymruwhois Client for the service
py-dns Python DNS toolkit
py-dnsdiag DNS Diagnostics and Performance Measurement Tools
py-dpkt Python packet creation / parsing library
py-dropbox Dropbox Python API
py-eventlib Asynchronous event tracking app for Django
py-foolscap Foolscap contains an RPC protocol for Twisted
py-gandi.cli Command line interface for
py-gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin Boto auth plugin for Google Cloud Storage
py-GeoIP GeoIP Legacy Python API
py-gevent Python-gevent a coroutine-based Python networking library
py-geventhttpclient HTTP client library for gevent
py-google Call the Google web API from Python
py-google-cloud-sdk Google Cloud SDK (for Compute Engine etc.)
py-gsutil Command line tool for interacting with cloud storage services
py-hatop Interactive client and monitoring tool for HAProxy
py-hpack Pure-Python HPACK header compression
py-IP Python module to handle IPv4 and IPv6 address
py-ipaddress Port of the python 3.3+ ipaddress module to 2.6 and 2.7
py-irclib Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library
py-jsonrpclib (V) Implementation of the JSON-RPC v2.0 specification
py-junos-eznc Python library to manage JunOS devices
py-kenosis P2P RPC system
py-kombu Messaging framework for Python
py-lexicon Manipulate DNS records on various DNS providers